Psalms 139

Psalms 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

March 22, 2012

New to Blogging

I've been told by numerous people that I should blog about my family, my work stories and other anecdotes that comprise my day. So, I've decided to jump wholeheartedly into the blogging world and see where it takes me. I love to write and thank God for a beautiful talent. Writing to me is more than just words filling up a blank page, it's expressions of love, thoughts and hopes of mine that I want to share with others.

I share this writing passion with many members of my family and can't help but think this is genetic!! My six year old just recently won an award at school for writing her first book. You can imagine how happy Martin and I were of our princess. She came home beaming from ear to ear and proudly exclaimed that she won the writers of the month award and was eagerly awaiting the special pencil the school would award her with. I congratulated her and told her how awesome the"My Cat" book was and how writing this book was a brilliant work of art. She looked up at me and said "Mommy, I'm a great writer like you. Someday I want to be an author and write all the time like you."

If you know me, then you know how sentimental I get and how tears just seemingly fall from my eyes. My husband and sisters always tease me and say "Joy, you are so such a sap". But in that moment, I didn't if I was too sappy, I grabbed my daughter and let the tears flow. I was elated that she admired me and honored that she wanted to be like me.

Even though this was a joyous occasion, I didn't want her to think that she had to have a passion for writing like me. I explained to her, that I was proud of her no matter what she accomplishes in life. That she could be a scientist or a painter and that mommy would always love her and be very proud of her.

This experience had me thinking about the tender love God has for us. Isn't it amazing that the love the Father has for his children is unconditional? I get so busy with being a wife, a mom, and an employee that sometimes I forget to just simply rest in God's presence and to meditate on his Word. Or I make a million mistakes and beat myself up about it, however, as a loving compassionate Father, God is right here waiting for me. He embraces me and His love envelopes me and assures me that no matter how much I failed, or how I seem too busy...he is always here and always so proud of me.

Psalm 86:15 But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.