Psalms 139

Psalms 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

September 7, 2016

                                                  A FEW FALL FAVORITES 9-7-16

Recently, I was going through the girls fall clothes and trying to decide what they can wear for this season, what needs to be passed down to another child and what needs to be donated....and then it hit me! I haven't bought myself any new fall clothes in about two years!! What the heck is wrong with me? My logical reasoning for lack of fall clothes was that I have been pregnant or just had a baby in the past three years. Therefore, I was most likely wearing maternity clothes or just had a baby and wearing loser fitting clothes.
So I decided to go online looking for some trendy, stylish clothes that don't cost a fortune, but yet will be of excellent quality, durable and wash well. I hate going to the dry cleaners....who has time for that?! Not me! 

I love shopping, I love fall weather, cozy sweaters, and I love the feel of new clothes on my skin. So I immediately went on the Old Navy's website and found some great finds and ordered them. Not only did my items arrive in 3-5 business days, but I totally adore all the clothes! I did a mini fashion show for my girls and they all said,  "Mommy looks cool and hip."  (there words not mine) 

Here are the items I ordered...

1 Plaid shirt. I love plaid shirts in the fall and I can wear this with skinny jeans and riding boots or I can dress it up for church with a wool shirt, tights and heels! Win Win for me! (excuse the coral shorts...I was wearing these shorts when my Old Navy items arrived and had to try on my new fall clothes)
You can find this exact shirt here

2. NFL cotton long sleeve tee shirt. I realized that I do not own a Chicago Bears tee shirt! I am a Chicago born gal and do not own a home football tee?!  So I was happy to purchase this shirt. It was on sale for $13.00 and will look great with yoga pants, jeans or a denim skirt! Go Bears! (these coral shorts look nice with this tee shirt!)

3. White Lace Blouse: I adore this blouse and once I saw it online, I envisioned crisp fall evenings out with my husband on date night, wearing this blouse with a nice fall scarf and leopard booties. I love the lace detail on the neckline and the 3/4 length sleeves. I bought this blouse on sale as well and wish I had ordered the black. It's such a pretty shirt that can be worn all year around. (This shirt looks cute as well with my coral shorts!)

I definitely will purchase a few more fall items and will show them to you when I get time. HAPPY WEDNESDAY!

August 31, 2016

                   What's up Wednesday?!! 8-31-2016

I haven't blogged in over two years!! I apologize and really the only excuse for my absence is... life happens! With raising five kids and working and other priorities, I've totally neglected blogging. But, with the older girls in school full time, I definitely will have more time to let the creative blogging ideas flow.
Today, I'm linking up to The Larson Lingo, Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me to, (some of my favorite blogging mamas) to bring you what my family has been up to.

Here we go::
1. What we are eating this week:
With the kids back in school, long gone are the lazy summer days of eating late. I have actually had to meal plan every meal and I really dislike that! This week meals consisted of spaghetti and meatballs, Leftover Fried Chicken from Baby J's party and tonight will be breakfast for dinner....scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and fruit.
2. What I'm remincsing about: My girls being so little! I miss the days of Princess dress up, library storytimes and mommy and me classes.

 It's hard to fathom that I now have a 10, 7 and 5 year old in the same school.  This for sure will be a great year and the only year that all three chickadees will be in the same school! 
3. What I'm loving: Being able to spend quality time with the two younger kiddos, while the older chicakdees are at school. 
I feel incredibly blessed to be able to work from home and take care of my kids. #thankyouJesus

4. What I've been up to: The usual,  taking care of the kids, running errands, cleaning up the house from a busy 1st birthday party bash and date night with the husband. Yahoo!!!
5. What I'm dreading: Cooler weather. I recently washed all the girls fall jackets and bought a new fall jacket for baby J. While, I love fall and cooler temps, anyone who lives in the Chicagoland area, knows one day it can be 70 degrees and the next 40 degrees. Ugh, fingers crossed we will have a mild fall and winter like we did last year. 
6.  What I'm working on: A new editing project starts this week and trying to plan a special girls birthday party! G will be 8 years old in November, its her golden birthday, so we figured a big party would be perfect! And who am I kidding....I LOVE birthday parties! 
7. What I am excited about: Tons! This fall has a lot of plans on the horizon for our family. Church events, fall outings, Girls scouts for all three chickadees, my birthday and of course Halloween parades at school. 
8. What I'm watching/reading: My daily devotional and Real Housewives of New Jersey! 
9. What I'm listening to: right now I'm listening to the cries of a 12 month old that just woke up from a nap
10. What I'm wearing: I am totally loving my blue tank top from Target. Its been my summer weekly staple for clothes. 
11. What I'm doing this weekend: Enjoying the long Labor Day weekend with family and hopefully going to the beach!
12.  What I'm looking forward to next month: Curriculum night at the girls school! Its always fun to see their classrooms, talk to teachers and etc.
13. What else is new: Hopefully, keeping up with blogging!