Psalms 139

Psalms 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

April 22, 2019

Easter weekend recap

Hello sweet friends! I hope your Easter was filled with gratitude and love. It's still so profound to me that Jesus died on the cross for ME! I truly am thankful that the blood of Jesus was shed for my sins and that we are free because of his dying love for us.

 I love Easter and love when it arrives in April. Sure, it doesn't really matter if the holiday is celebrated in March or April, because let's face it, Easter is not about some bunny! I love that my kids know the real meaning of this holiday.  Martin and I like to share with them about the infinite love of God during this special time and of course we do traditional Easter activities like egg hunt, dying eggs and spending time with our family. We kicked off a fun three day weekend with so much neat activities that I just had to share. Friday night, Martin and I went out for a few hours and had a date night. We love to go on monthly date is so special to us to have alone time with each other.

Our Saturday was jammed packed with soccer class for Jacob, cleaning the house, baking and a fun helicopter Easter egg drop. One of the local churches in our neighborhood puts on this huge event every year. We try to go every year, but either the cold weather detours us, or it is so crowded we can't find parking and miss the event. But we made it this year and it didn't disappoint! There were bounce houses, face painting, arts and crafts, of course the Easter bunny appeared and tons of other cool activities for the kiddos. 

Sunday of course was Easter and we were so excited about going to church and of course opening up our Easter baskets. 

I love making sweet memories with my family. And I love how my girls still want to dress up and wear fancy dresses. 

Sunday after church, we hosted family at our new house and it was great having family over and we got a chance to celebrate Ava turning 8. Ava turned 8 last Tuesday... I will do a blog post about her special day this week. But here are a few pictures I took of our Easter lunch with family. 
 Milo was too eager to have lunch too!

Easter egg hunt with cousins!

Love my nephew and son. They always are up to something. Ha!

Hope you have a terrific Monday!

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